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Ghostwriter prices - The big price comparison
With so many ghostwriting companies available to students, it can be difficult to choose. For this reason, we conducted a practical mini-study to compare the prices of all the leading ghostwriting companies. To do this, we submitted a request to the most popular ghostwriting companies for a 40-page bachelor’s thesis with a deadline of more than 30 days.

- Autor: Luca Gudermann

*As of: April 2022, arranged alphabetically
It turns out that there are drastic price differences between different ghostwriting companies. If you have your bachelor thesis written at ACAD-Write, you pay 4600.00€ for 40 pages, while the price at AKADS is 1960.00€. This raises the question: Are there also qualitative differences between these ghostwriting agencies? We answer this question in our article Ghostwriter comparison | Overview of all ghostwriters.
Reasons for different ghostwriter prices
On the subject of how a ghostwriting company decides on a particular page price, we can only write from our own perspective. The GhostWritingTeam also charged higher prices in the beginning (from €90.00 per page). The reason for this was to recoup the initial investment in setting up the company. These investments include, for example, acquiring the pool of authors, initial marketing, registering the company, hiring administrative, marketing and customer service staff, etc. At a certain point, the question is whether the day-to-day operational processes have been set up efficiently enough to lower prices and thus address a larger share of the market. In our case, we focused on efficient processes when setting up the company and then made a conscious decision to keep prices as low as possible. And fortunately, this works very well! At the moment, we are receiving significantly more order inquiries than before, so the lower prices are generating significantly more profit.
How are the ghostwriting prices calculated?
Another interesting topic is how ghostwriting agencies actually set prices for different types of work. Several factors play a role here:
- The requirement level (term paper, bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, doctoral thesis or research report)
- The number of pages
- The processing time/deadline
- The course of study
- The complexity of the topic
This information is usually provided by the customer in a free and non-binding inquiry. The customer service will then get back to you by e-mail with an exact price offer. If the customer agrees, all relevant documents and specifications will be sent and the writer will begin work as soon as the (partial) payment has been received. You can make a free and non-binding inquiry using our inquiry form.
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