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Bachelor thesis topic social sciences

20 suggestions

Choosing the right topic for your Bachelor’s thesis is a crucial step on the way to successfully completing your studies in the social sciences. This subject area, which deals with the complex and multifaceted structures of human societies, offers a wide range of exciting and relevant fields of research. But how do you find the perfect topic that not only meets academic standards, but also arouses personal interest and can make a lasting contribution to current research?

In this blog article, we take you on a journey through the various disciplines of the social sciences. We will show you what options and directions are available and offer you a well-founded approach to finding a topic. In addition, we will give you valuable tips on what to look out for when choosing your topic in order to meet the requirements of an academic paper and spark your own enthusiasm for research.

Finally, we present 20 specific topic suggestions that you can use as inspiration. These suggestions cover a broad spectrum and should help you lay the foundations for a successful and fulfilling Bachelor’s thesis. Immerse yourself in the world of social sciences and discover the wide range of possibilities open to you. Let’s take the first step towards an impressive academic achievement together.



Overview of social sciences

The social sciences are concerned with the study of human societies and social relationships. This wide-ranging field offers a variety of disciplines, each of which focuses on different aspects of human coexistence. In the following, we provide an overview of the most important areas of the social sciences.


Sociology examines the structures, developments and functions of societies. It analyzes social phenomena such as class structures, social inequality, institutions, norms and values. Sociologists use both quantitative and qualitative methods to understand social processes and their effects on individual and collective life.

Political science

Political science, on the other hand, deals with the theory and practice of politics. It analyzes political systems, institutions, processes and the behavior of political actors. Important topics include democracy, power structures, political ideologies and international relations. Political science uses various methodological approaches to research and explain political phenomena.

Communication science

If you are concerned with the processes by which information is produced, disseminated and received in societies, you are working in the field of communication studies. This deals with media structures, communication models, media content and the effects of media on the public. This discipline analyzes both traditional and digital media and their role in modern societies.


Anthropology, also known as cultural or social anthropology, explores the cultural diversity of human societies. It examines cultural practices, rituals, beliefs and social organizations. Anthropologists often use ethnographic methods to gain in-depth insights into the lives and worldviews of different cultures.


Ethnology is closely related to anthropology and focuses on comparing and analyzing different ethnic groups. It examines the cultural, social and economic aspects of societies and the relationships between different ethnic groups. Anthropologists often deal with topics such as migration, identity and cultural change.

Economics (social aspect)

In economics, researchers analyze economic systems, markets and behavior from a social perspective. They investigate how economic processes influence social structures and vice versa. The focus is on topics such as social inequality, labor market developments and the economic consequences of political measures.

Cultural studies

Cultural studies deals with cultural forms of expression and their meanings in different societies. They analyze art, literature, music, film and other cultural artefacts in order to gain insights into social values, norms and identities. This discipline adopts an interdisciplinary perspective and combines findings from different academic fields.

With this overview of the different disciplines of social sciences, you now have a solid foundation to get an idea of the diverse fields of research in social sciences and the possible topics. In the next section, we will look at how you can find a suitable topic for your Bachelor’s thesis.


Approach to finding suitable topics

Choosing the right topic for your bachelor thesis is a crucial step that requires careful consideration and planning. A well-chosen topic can not only keep you interested and motivated, but also make a valuable contribution to academic discussion. Below we present a structured approach to help you find a suitable topic for your Bachelor’s thesis in the social sciences.

First, you should identify your own interests and strengths. Think about which topics particularly fascinated you during your studies and which areas you are already well versed in. A topic that interests you personally will help you maintain motivation and enthusiasm for your research. Reflect on your favorite courses and the topics that particularly appealed to you there. Also consider the methodological or theoretical knowledge you acquired during your studies. A topic that highlights your strengths will make your work easier.

Another important step is to observe current social developments and trends. Social sciences often deal with current social, political and cultural phenomena. Therefore, it makes sense to regularly follow the news and read academic journals to stay informed about current events and research topics. Attending academic conferences and workshops can also provide you with new ideas and inspiration.

In addition, you should analyze the existing literature to identify research gaps and unanswered questions. A comprehensive literature search will help you to understand the current state of research in your field of interest. Pay attention to topics that have been little studied in the literature or that trigger controversial discussions. Such topics can provide a good basis for your work.

Exchanging ideas with lecturers, fellow students and experts can provide you with valuable information and new perspectives. Take advantage of your lecturers’ office hours to discuss possible topics and get their opinions. Joining academic networks and working groups can also be helpful to exchange ideas with other researchers and gain new impetus.

Finally, practical experience can be a valuable source of interesting and practice-relevant topics. If you have already completed an internship or a project in a relevant field, consider whether you can develop a topic for your Bachelor’s thesis from this. Reflect on your experiences from internships and consider which questions can be derived from them. Analyzing a specific case study or project can help you to link practical findings with theoretical approaches.

By considering these approaches, you can find a topic that is not only academically relevant, but also matches your personal interests and strengths. In the next chapter, we will discuss other important considerations when choosing a topic to ensure that you are well prepared to start your Bachelor’s thesis.


Important considerations when selecting topics

Choosing the right topic for your Bachelor thesis is not only a matter of interest, but also requires careful consideration of various practical and methodological aspects. Here are some important considerations you should take into account when choosing your topic to ensure that your thesis is both feasible and academically relevant.

Relevance and timeliness of the topic

A relevant and current topic is crucial to ensure that your work attracts interest and contributes to existing research. Consider whether your topic reflects current social, political or cultural developments and whether it fills a gap in existing research. A topic that is being discussed in the scientific community often offers numerous resources and literature that can help you in your work.

Availability and accessibility of sources and data

The availability and accessibility of sources and data is another important factor when choosing a topic. Make sure that there is sufficient literature, studies and data available on your topic. A thorough preliminary search can help you determine whether the information you need is easily accessible. Also consider whether you need access to special archives, libraries or databases.

Feasibility within the given time frame

The feasibility of your topic within the given time frame is also crucial. Consider whether the topic can be dealt with comprehensively in the time available and whether the necessary resources and support are available. A topic that is too broad or complex can quickly become overwhelming and lead to delays. It is better to choose a specific and clearly defined topic that can be dealt with within the time frame.

Scientific and societal contribution of the topic

Consider what scientific and social contribution your work can make. A good topic should not only fill an academic gap, but also have practical implications and relevance for society. Ask yourself what new insights your work can provide and how these insights could be applied in practice.

Your own motivation and enthusiasm for the topic

Your own motivation and enthusiasm for the topic are also of great importance. A topic that really interests and excites you will help you to approach the work with more commitment and perseverance. Consider whether the topic fits with your long-term professional and academic goals and whether it challenges and inspires you personally.

Methodological requirements and possibilities

Finally, you should consider the methodological requirements and possibilities of your topic. Consider which research methods are best suited to your topic and whether you have the necessary methodological knowledge and skills. A topic that allows for a variety of methodological approaches offers you more flexibility and can improve the quality of your work. Wondering which research method to choose? Read our article Research methods: Qualitative vs. quantitative What’s the difference?

By taking these considerations into account when choosing a topic, you can ensure that your topic is both feasible and scientifically relevant. In the next chapter, we will present 20 specific topic suggestions that can serve as inspiration and are based on the considerations described in this chapter.


20 topic suggestions for the bachelor thesis in social sciences

Now that you have an overview of the various disciplines in the social sciences and know how to find a suitable topic, we would like to present you with 20 specific topic suggestions. These suggestions cover a broad spectrum of the social sciences and should serve as inspiration for your own Bachelor’s thesis.


1. The impact of digitalization on social networks and communities: Examine how digital technologies are changing social interactions and community structures.

2. The impact of migration on social integration in urban areas: Analyze how migrants are integrated in urban environments and what factors play a role in this.

Political Science

3. Analyze populist movements in Europe in the 21st century: Examine the causes and effects of populism in different European countries.

4. The role of social media in modern election campaigns: Analyze how social media influence the strategies and outcomes of political campaigns.


Communication Science

5. Fake news and its impact on public opinion: examine the spread of misinformation and its impact on society.

6. The changing nature of journalism in the age of digital media: Analyze how digital technologies are changing the practice and ethics of journalism.



7. Traditional rituals and their significance in modern societies: Examine the role and transformation of traditional rituals in a globalized world.

8. Cultural adaptation processes of migrants in Western Europe: Analyze how migrants adapt their cultural practices to new environments and the challenges they face.



9. Comparative analysis of indigenous communities in Latin America: Examine the social, economic and cultural differences and similarities of indigenous groups.

10. The role of ethnography in modern field research: Analyze the importance and challenges of the ethnographic method in current research contexts.


Economics (social aspect)

11. Social inequality and its economic consequences: Examine the interactions between social inequality and economic development.

12. The impact of demographic change on pension systems: Analyze how changes in the age structure affect the sustainability of pension systems.


Cultural Studies

13. The development of youth culture in the 21st century: Examine how youth cultures are evolving and changing in a globalized and digitized world.

14. Culture and identity in the globalized world: Analyze how globalization influences and transforms cultural identities.



15. Age structure and its social challenges: Examine the impact of an aging population on social and economic structures.

16. Demographic development and its impact on the housing market: Analyze how demographic changes influence demand and supply in the housing market.


Interdisciplinary topics

17. Environmental Sociology: The Role of Society in Climate Change: Examine how social factors influence the way we deal with climate change.

18. Gender Studies: The evolution of gender roles in modern society: Analyze how gender roles have changed over time and what factors influence this change.


Special topics

19. Social media and mental health: Investigate the influence of social media on the mental health of different age groups.

20. Integration of refugees: Success factors and challenges: Analyze what measures contribute to the successful integration of refugees and what obstacles exist.



Choosing the right topic for your Bachelor’s thesis in the social sciences is a crucial step that requires careful consideration and planning. By considering personal interests, current social developments, relevant literature and exchanging ideas with experts, you can find a suitable and motivating topic. The suggested topics offer a wide range of possibilities and should serve as inspiration for you.

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